Committee Work


Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources

Senator Rosa Galvez has been a member of the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources (ENEV) since shortly after her appointment to the Senate in 2016. She served as chair of the committee from 2017-2019.

The mandate of ENEV is to examine legislation and to study issues related to energy, the environment and natural resources generally, including:

  • mines and natural resources, other than fisheries and forestry;
  • pipelines, transmission lines and energy transportation;
  • environmental affairs; and
  • other energy-related matters.

Committee membership is revisited each session. Current membership can be found on the committee webpage.

For the 42nd Parliament (2015-2019), studies and bills can be found here, and reports can be found here.
For the 43rd Parliament (2019-2021), studies and bills can be found here, and reports can be found here.

Feature: Study on the effects of transitioning to a low carbon economy

Between 2016 and 2019, the committee undertook a study on the effects of the transition to a low-carbon economy on various sectors of the Canadian Economy. The study, comprising 77 meetings and testimony from 109 groups of witnesses, included hearings in Ottawa and fact-finding visits across Canada, in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.

The study divided the highest-emitting industries into sectors which coincide with the Government of Canada’s National GHG Inventory: oil and gas accounts for 27% of GHG emissions; transportation, 24%; the built environment, 12%; electricity, 11%; and heavy industry, 10%. These sectors are addressed separately in each of the committees five reports:


Standing Senate Committee on National Finance

Senator Rosa Galvez has been a member of the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance (NFFN) since 2020.

The mandate of NFFN is to examine matters relating to federal estimates generally, including the public accounts, reports of the Auditor General and government finance. In addition, the committee sometimes investigates other topics of interest and importance to the country.

Committee membership is revisited each session. Current membership can be found on the committee webpage.
For the 43rd Parliament (2019-present), studies and bills can be found here, and reports can be found here.


Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications

Senator Rosa Galvez was a member of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications (TRCM) from January 2017 until December 2019.

The mandate of TRCM is to examine legislation and study issues relating to transport and communications generally, including:

  • transport and communications by any means;
  • tourist traffic;
  • common carriers; and
  • navigation, shipping and navigable waters.

The committee deals with significant legislation and studies issues important to Canadians. Over the last few years, it has considered bills touching on everything from telecommunications to the transportation of dangerous goods and concluded studies on emerging issues of great significance for Canada’s economy.

Committee membership is revisited each session. Current membership can be found on the committee webpage.

For the 42nd Parliament (2015-2019), studies and bills can be found here, and reports can be found here.
For the 43rd Parliament (2019-2021), studies and bills can be found here, and reports can be found here.


Special Committee on the Arctic

This committee was struck in September 2017 and mandate to consider the significant and rapid changes to the Arctic, and impacts on original inhabitants. Meetings began in February 2018 and continued until the adjournment of Parliament in spring 2019.

For the 42nd Parliament (2015-2019), studies and bills can be found here, and reports can be found here.

News release from May 2018 about the formation of this committee

Committee Websites

Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources


Standing Senate Committee on National Finance


Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications

Special Committee on the Arctic